"Music is enough for a lifetime -
But lifetime is not enough for music."
簡直是一語道破。近期非常喜歡 T. Oesten的 "Dolly's Dreaming and Awakening" ,以我這個臨老才學鋼琴的人,不知道什麼時候才能學曉這樂曲。其實對於音樂,可以說是個低能兒,古典又好, 流行曲又好,我總是走在別人背後,後知後覺。如果幸運地由自己一手找到好的音樂,就能開心一整天。
2. 今天上課重覆說了五次以上 au bord de la mer,好,牢牢緊記。我說過對於海洋有種奇妙的感覺,總是以為有什麼神奇的事發生,雖然我很討厭水怪。
3. 很多商品都掛名是Limited Edition,但總會在市面上見到,見到,再見到。買了很久仍很少用的 Citrus Verbena Summer Fragrance,絕不浮誇的味道,但幻想力豐富的Bird,那次在我耳邊說:得力素糖! 咩話?咦......聞落都幾似,得力素有益嫁! 產品說明係咁,同得力素無關:
The fresh, lightness of a summery fragrance creates an overall cooling and invigorating effect. Perfect for after bath or shower, or during hot days. Lighter in intensity than E.D.T., Citrus Verbena Summer fragrance is subtle, delicate, and easy to use. In one generous gesture, this fast and easy spray stimulates the body, refreshes the mind and leaves a sparkling scent on the skin. Spray all over from head to toe. Keep it handy in gym bag, glove compartment, desk drawer, or vanity. Use without moderation! Indulge!
2 則留言:
au bord de la mer... so how long have u learnt french? i only learned for a year, and it was many years ago... :(
btw, u were tagged a couple of weeks ago: